Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Inspiration: French Door Curtain Panel w/ Tieback

Besides the blatantly obvious fact that I enjoy decorating my home, I also enjoy reading other design and home blogs; getting a feel for what other designers are doing and what kind of creative concoctions they come up with.  Tonight's topic, however, is based on the style-ings of a fashion blog.  The blogger has a monthly budget for which to duplicate designer ensembles at a logical price.  I had the idea to duplicate her duplication on a home decor scale, so this post shall be the beginning of a hand coordinated DIY; decor style. :D
Let's start with our inspiration.  A photo of a French Door Curtain Panel on said french door (JCPenney). Not only do I love the photo itself with the rustic edging or the wall color next to the sheer white panel, but I love the idea of having this type of curtain on my patio doors.  What's interesting about our doors is that only the left one opens; and it opens inward.  The other remains stationary.  So not only is this type of curtain more feasible, but it also will look better, IMHO.  If you know me, you know I'm not 100% about the practicality.  I'm a woman first, so whatever I do; it must look good.  Then the designer kicks in and I think of things like, "I can't use a decorative rod...they'll hit each other when I open the door" and "I wonder what fabric I'll use?"
 I recently ventured into JoAnn's Fabrics and Crafts.  That's them in a nutshell.  Practically half the store is taken up by fabric.  I can't complain too bad though, as it will give me endless options to peruse.  Right now I'm considering a wine red color.  Whatever I choose, I'm learning to take my time, really weigh my choices and find the best fit for the space.  What do you think?

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