Saturday, April 2, 2011

The deal on shaggy rugs.

I went to Target today to get a rug mat, which is the best invention EVA' and while perusing the rugs surrounding said mat I stumbled upon a trio of shag rugs; one red, one green, and one taupe.  I've been somewhat in the market for a new rug under the dining table for some time; even since I purchased the existing rug years ago at Lowe's.  So here's the predicament.  Do I go Shaggy?  The pile is about 1 1/2" high and oh MY does it feel good!  It's like the feeling you get walking on tall beautifully green grass.  Soft, but not wet :P
Anyways, now that you've got the "feel" for it, what's the logic behind it?  Sure it looks good, but whats the practicality?  What's the function?  How would the lifestyle of the rug be?  I have a nearly 4 year old in the house so I definitely need something that will stand up to the daily life of a toddler home and still satisfy my decorating itch because oh do I need scratching!  (I've really got an itch now that hubby has a new tv which required moving my sectional back against the wall, destroying my walkway in the process.)  So doing what I do, I search the glorious internet for information on shag rugs.  My first stop is Just Shag Rugs.  Did you know how many types of shag rugs there are?  Even I'm astounded.  Seems no shag rug is simply a shag rug.  The rugs in my son's bathroom resemble shag and its so comfortable!  A joy to walk on.  But all I find here is types and brands. What's the scoop really? this website seemed to really know its stuff.  While the rugs offer comfort and style and are a fabulous decor piece,  they can be a pain to clean; and with a small child in the house, this may not be the best choice for me.  But will that stop me from considering it?  NOPE!  I'm tempted to move the contemporary and short pile rug from the living area to the dining area and place a shag rug in the living area as there are no drinks or food allowed there.  But still....will my vacuum be as accepting?  Whether or not you find these sources to be informational, there is a lesson to be learned.  Do not pick your pieces based solely on the pros.  Know there are always cons and sometimes those cons will outweigh the pros and no matter how much you like the pros, its best to go with the up side of the weight scale.  Do your research.  Know what you're buying before you buy.

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