Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sometimes, you just have to wait.

I'm still wanting to make improvements to the home but sometimes circumstances arise that prevent home improvement progress.  In my case, its indirect involvement with the April 2011 tornadoes.  A good friend lost her home and I'm organizing a baby shower for her as she's due in July with her second child.  My living room floor has been taken over by donations in the corner where eventually we will have a corner console for D's massive TV.  So with this and an upcoming beach trip, I'll be MIA indefinitely.  I'll keep up to date with WUSLU's daily deals and of course link any fabulous designs I see elsewhere but as far as actual posting, I've got my hands full for the next month.  I have the time, just not the brain power.  I'm so distracted by what I've got going on around here that this blog has sadly taken a back seat.  So I'll leave you with this.  A little clutter can be a good thing.  It show's a lived in home.  Not a photogenic house.  Happy Decorating!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Home is where the Heart is

It's really not about what style of furniture you have or about what adorns your walls.  Its not about the angle of the rug, or the shape of the room.  It's about the spirit that fills that space that really makes it home.  So many are now either dead or "homeless."  There are so many ways to donate.  Find a collection point in your area.  Find a website like Red Cross to donate money to.  Personal friends have lost their home....but not their hope.  It's by grace they feel the love around them.  So when you feel puzzled by a decor problem, be thankful you have the walls, floors, and roof standing to provide that problem.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Reilly Express

These wood letters have been painted for several months.  Some nails and wall putty were all it took to mount The Reilly Express!  Letters and craft paint were both found at Michael's.  They were originally planned for above my son's bed but he asked they be in the playroom.  The "express"  looks lopsided as they were lined up with the tops of the letters were aligned.  Normally I would straighten them out so that they lined up from the bottom as "the" did but the more I think about it, the more I think to leave it as is.  This is a toddler/preschooler playroom that just happens to have our desks in it.  It feels more child-like.
When creating a space, its not required for everything to be perfect.  And seeing as how I don't live in a magazine photo, I think my slightly messy mounting job looks just fine. :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Earth Day!

Nothing is too small to help the earth.  Everyone knows about the blue bins we put our plastic and newspapers in each week but there are ways to reuse without having to use the recycling bin.  About twice a year we head to our "local" Stride Rite and get our son new shoes for his ever-growing toddler feet.  While I could recycle the shoe boxes I've done what I think is one better.  He's not too much of a colorer but still, being able to foster that creativity when it arises is important and what better to hold all the rainbow's colors but a bright Stride Rite shoe box?  Sustainable design is important.  It's not just pieces that will last, but ones that are environmentally friendly (ie: voc free paint).  Atop a crayola table/chair set clearanced on Bed Bath & Beyond is a size 11 shoe box filled with every color imaginable.  Happy Earth Day!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Patio Plan

So spring is approaching and it's getting warmer.  Time will be more often spent outside.  Taking a break from chasing a preschooler around the yard can wear anyone out so why not plan a place where you can relax and that makes you want to be outdoors!  I'll be acquiring some more patio furniture this week and I've been looking for months already for the perfect outdoor patio decor.  My first plan was to find something bright and attractive.  I'd picked out a lovely coral lounge cushion, a coral/navy floral cushions, and coordinating pillows that would alternate between the styles.  I loved it, and still do; but realizing how bad that would clash with my existing patio furniture I retreated and started fresh.    I'm always debating in my head, regardless how well things come together so any critique is welcome.  Here are the pieces I've settled on right now.  The furniture is white metal (but we all know that furniture color is only temporary.  Things are constantly repainted or reupholstered.)

All pieces are from  I actually really love the muted colors.  No it's not really "springy" but I'd be laying out on that chaise in a heartbeat!  The solid pillows would be placed on the oleana cushions and the montgomery pillows on the Blue River cushions.  

Monday, April 11, 2011

2 important questions

David linked this to me today.  It has some very good advice in the article about midway down.  Instead of taking back what doesn't fit, we just go buy something else.  Don't get the first thing you see.  Take your time in designing any space.  A rush to complete can result in not only an excess of "junk", but also an emptying wallet.

Instead Of Returning Stuff That Doesn't Fit In, We Buy More

We've all been there. That purple end table that looked so fetch in the store is woefully out of place when you bring it back to your abode. The rational thing to do would be to return the item. According to a new study, instead, what we do is go out and buy more things like it to make it fit in.
The effect is highest for products that have high "design salience," where aspects of their design are a key factor in the product. This is also known more commonly as "form over function." When products with "design salience" come into a space where they don't match their surroundings, we get bummed and try to go out and get more like them, what researchers in the study published in the Journal of Marketing Research call "aesthetic incongruity resolution."'
The study advises shoppers to ask themselves two questions before making a design-based purchase. Is it attractive and does it fit in what I already have? Unless the answer to both is yes, move on. Otherwise that little impulse purchase can end up costing you several hundreds in upgrades.
Aesthetic Incongruity Resolution (PDF) [Journal of Marketing Research]

Sunday, April 10, 2011

what to do, what to do?!

I have so so many ideas and plans for the home that I almost drown in the sea of things I've left to do.  I've always been a list kind of girl and I find it effective for any goal to have a list.  It can help you realize what needs to be done and in what order to do it.  I haven't gotten so far as making a chronological list of what to do when, but here's a general idea of what's going on in my decor mind:

  1. paint kitchen (i think i've decided on color its just a matter of time and patience...and painter's tape.)
  2. redo cabinets? (right now they are a light wood color with white counter tops.  i'd love to stain them darker and have a faux granite finish counter top.)
  3. grape vines to adorn top of kitchen cabinets (I love the colors of Tuscany.)
  4. backsplash? (Just have a clear plastic screwed onto the wall.  Effective, but not eye catching.)
  5. fridge (Would love to have some kind of organization above.  Baskets always look nice.)
  6. paint dining/living area (its really one big wall and I need to figure out what to do about that.)
  7. decor for wall behind sectional (it was moved to accommodate view of larger television)
  8. corner tv console
  9. some sort of coat rack on wall that ends up behind the door (i need something functional that can also fit behind the door with jackets hung)
  10. stairwell (would love wood steps with white risers...the part that is vertical....and wall decor.  might move the 3 collage frames that were supposed to be on the funky wall onto one side of the stairwell)
  11. patio furniture (receiving the furniture from my mom....need to pick out cushions and pillows)
  12. console table (planning on using the leftover shutter for this.  could also end up by the front door outside)
  13. front porch seating (this may end up being a wicker or rattan loveseat with some sort of outdoor metal wall decor)
It makes me feel better knowing this is all I really have to do.  But at the same time the funds are required and the research into preferred mood and style are needed.  I look forward to having it done but more so the doing.  It's not just the destination, but the journey.  I plan to have many many before and after posts.  ATM I'm repainting our patio door.   My husband and his dad painted it in a hurry last summer as it was soon raining and my lazy bum just now decided to change that.  I love the crisp clean white on the outside but I'm tempted to be daring and try a different color inside as I feel the white clashes with my more subdued darker mood of the dining space.  I'll try my DIY curtains first and see what feels right.  I love decorating.  It's so fun and interesting to see what different people find exciting.  Till next time....

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The deal on shaggy rugs.

I went to Target today to get a rug mat, which is the best invention EVA' and while perusing the rugs surrounding said mat I stumbled upon a trio of shag rugs; one red, one green, and one taupe.  I've been somewhat in the market for a new rug under the dining table for some time; even since I purchased the existing rug years ago at Lowe's.  So here's the predicament.  Do I go Shaggy?  The pile is about 1 1/2" high and oh MY does it feel good!  It's like the feeling you get walking on tall beautifully green grass.  Soft, but not wet :P
Anyways, now that you've got the "feel" for it, what's the logic behind it?  Sure it looks good, but whats the practicality?  What's the function?  How would the lifestyle of the rug be?  I have a nearly 4 year old in the house so I definitely need something that will stand up to the daily life of a toddler home and still satisfy my decorating itch because oh do I need scratching!  (I've really got an itch now that hubby has a new tv which required moving my sectional back against the wall, destroying my walkway in the process.)  So doing what I do, I search the glorious internet for information on shag rugs.  My first stop is Just Shag Rugs.  Did you know how many types of shag rugs there are?  Even I'm astounded.  Seems no shag rug is simply a shag rug.  The rugs in my son's bathroom resemble shag and its so comfortable!  A joy to walk on.  But all I find here is types and brands. What's the scoop really? this website seemed to really know its stuff.  While the rugs offer comfort and style and are a fabulous decor piece,  they can be a pain to clean; and with a small child in the house, this may not be the best choice for me.  But will that stop me from considering it?  NOPE!  I'm tempted to move the contemporary and short pile rug from the living area to the dining area and place a shag rug in the living area as there are no drinks or food allowed there.  But still....will my vacuum be as accepting?  Whether or not you find these sources to be informational, there is a lesson to be learned.  Do not pick your pieces based solely on the pros.  Know there are always cons and sometimes those cons will outweigh the pros and no matter how much you like the pros, its best to go with the up side of the weight scale.  Do your research.  Know what you're buying before you buy.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My chance to get creative!

I'm just in awe of people who can turn nothing into something; trash into treasure as it were.  I was self analyzing last night thinking that my decorating was more, go here buy this.  I didn't think I had anything I could turn into something.  Well that all changed when I walked into our garage this morning and found this.
My idea is to repaint it, attach some wood, and voila!  I'll have a console table!  My dream for it is to have it a wrought iron black with window doors. Possibly a contrasting color on just the shade?  Who knows.  But would that not be totally awesome?!  Lowe's is slowly becoming a top fave store these days!  This will also save us around $100.  Can't not mention that!  For other shutter project ideas, check this page out!  Truth is, there are so many possibilities for this one shutter that I'm already having an internal conflict on what I should really do with it.  Table?  Bench? Rack of some kind?  Time will tell.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Inspiration: French Door Curtain Panel w/ Tieback

Besides the blatantly obvious fact that I enjoy decorating my home, I also enjoy reading other design and home blogs; getting a feel for what other designers are doing and what kind of creative concoctions they come up with.  Tonight's topic, however, is based on the style-ings of a fashion blog.  The blogger has a monthly budget for which to duplicate designer ensembles at a logical price.  I had the idea to duplicate her duplication on a home decor scale, so this post shall be the beginning of a hand coordinated DIY; decor style. :D
Let's start with our inspiration.  A photo of a French Door Curtain Panel on said french door (JCPenney). Not only do I love the photo itself with the rustic edging or the wall color next to the sheer white panel, but I love the idea of having this type of curtain on my patio doors.  What's interesting about our doors is that only the left one opens; and it opens inward.  The other remains stationary.  So not only is this type of curtain more feasible, but it also will look better, IMHO.  If you know me, you know I'm not 100% about the practicality.  I'm a woman first, so whatever I do; it must look good.  Then the designer kicks in and I think of things like, "I can't use a decorative rod...they'll hit each other when I open the door" and "I wonder what fabric I'll use?"
 I recently ventured into JoAnn's Fabrics and Crafts.  That's them in a nutshell.  Practically half the store is taken up by fabric.  I can't complain too bad though, as it will give me endless options to peruse.  Right now I'm considering a wine red color.  Whatever I choose, I'm learning to take my time, really weigh my choices and find the best fit for the space.  What do you think?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Congrats to.......

Sabitha!!  You've won the Better Homes & Gardens pillow!

Winners are chosen based on  There were a total of 15 entries, after making a list of the names I entered 1-15 and 3 was selected.  Congrats Sabi!

To Be or Not to Be

I've been having an internal conflict regarding my mantle decor.  I bought a candle and holder for christmas to decorate it and it looked great.  I'm afraid however, I've gone candle happy. With a grand total of 8 candles (sconces included) does it not give the appearance of an alter?  I've considered adding some vases from a local store and removing at least two of the candles so that while taking away the alter aspect, it also simplifies.  Bear in mind I'm considering refinishing the mantle itself in a faux granite finish.  What do you think?  Alter or not?


We're now on Facebook!  The contest is moving there so the first 10 likers are entered to win the pillow!  Go now!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Product Review! West End Dining

Finding great style with sturdy and dependable craftsmanship can sometimes be a hard thing to accomplish.  But it's doable with the JCPenney West End dining set.  The table is 36"x54" normally but can be expanded with a built in butterfly leaf to 54"sq.  The table and stools are solid wood with a mocha finish.  It was incredibly easy to assemble (I recommend using your own socket wrench as the ones included are really just for temporary use.  Find one that will grip well).  This table is very versatile.  It would coordinate nicely with both contemporary and more formal styles.  The only thing evenly remotely negative I have to say is that though the table is theoretically able to fit a total of 8 people, it does not really have enough room allotted.  To sit comfortably, each person should be allowed 36".  This comes in especially handy should a right handed person sit next to a left handed person.  Sit on the wrong side of them, and you'll be bumping elbows all night.  With only 54", each person is given just over 2'.  I would love to seat 8 for our bi-monthly small group, but I certainly do not want to crowd anyone so I will limit my seating for now to 6.  Something to look for when shopping for dining sets is to purchase your table based on how many you'd like to seat while making sure that everyone has ample room to saw through those fabulous steaks you'll be serving up!  Happy Shopping!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Dining table charge pending!

Ordered last month....the dining table with 6 stools is pending payment now!!!  EEP, I can't wait to get that in!  It's going to look beautiful!  I'm not sure what to do about the rug though.  The plan atm is to take it to the road; let someone pick it up. Either way I'm sure I'll figure out something fabulous.  There is a photo of the dining set in the photos tab.  Or look here to view the set as well as all the stats.  Its a very well made set with style to match.  A wonderful combination.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Giveaway ~ BH&G throw pillow

Its time for the first giveaway!  When I get 10 followers (yes only 10, thats only 6 more!)  I will give away this beautiful Better Homes & Gardens throw pillow!  With vibrant colors and fabulous design, its the perfect pillow to bring the bright and anticipated colors of spring into your home!  With just 6 more followers, this pillow could be yours!  Size estimated at 12"H x 16"L; stripes are thin sewn lines of green, blue, and red thread.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Beware the Ides of March: Guest Room Reveal!

What a day. It's almost like Friday the 13th here. I've been stressed it seems over one thing or another only comforted by Tiramisu and a visit by UPS. I get my throw pillows in and even though I'm missing a few minor details I go ahead and record a tour of the room; all while trying to not get nervous, remember to note everything, every source, and every reason for everything. I've gone through a dozen takes and just a few minutes ago managed an acceptable tour. I've been taking a few pictures throughout the day and had no problem loading them to the computer. But what happens when I get my tour down? The SD card won't read. The card itself is fine, but I'm concerned about the drive. Anyway, I get an adapter and load through usb. The video is saved and ready for uploading. Soon as hubby is done with WoW, the guest room video will be revealed!!! Until then, I've posted a couple of pictures merely showing the room. Enjoy!

Monday, March 14, 2011


My pillows should be in today! I may go ahead and share pictures of the room when they come in, since I gave up paying retail for Lent. I'm horrible about not entirely caring as much as I should about prices. Anyway, thing is, I need a birdhouse. I have one picked out for my console table. I wanted some form of nick-nack to have in the room that coordinated with my slightly bird themed room :P Its practically all bird! Ok maybe just half. A stock picture of said house may appear in the photograph section simply to complete the feel of what the room will be. I am beyond ecstatic to have this room complete!! But what now??? Think I'll be starting my DIY soon and looking for new cushions for my patio furniture. Possibly the same as in the guest room?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

My First DIY!

I'm so excited to be having my first DIY project! My parents had a structure outside....terminology escaping me atm....and I've been allowed two of these corner pieces. I'll likely be brushing them white to coordinate with some patio furniture I'll also be taking of their hands. Yay for DIY!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Keeping that stubborn bedskirt on

You've got a new bedding set. Its gorgeous and you can't wait to get it on the bed. But darn if that mattress doesn't keep pulling the bed skirt underneath forcing you to once again remove the mattress and straighten the skirt. I thought about this as I started putting on the new bedding for the guest room. I knew doing it myself I was sure to mess up the bed skirt as I moved the mattress back into position. Before you put the mattress over the bed skirt, I find it helpful to safety pin it to the box springs around the edges. How many you use depends on the size. For the twin bed, I used a total of 6 safety pins; one near each corner and one in the middle of each side. Keep the pins as close to the edge without allowing them to show. This should keep the bed skirt secured to the box springs and allow you to flop that mattress on no problem! Do take care in putting the mattress back on. To much force and you've got a hole on the unseen portion of your bed skirt. This technique while helpful, has not been tested enough to ensure its fool-proof.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Designer say what?

I once read in a Home magazine that people either have exquisite taste in clothing or decor, but seldom both. Designer say what? I may not look like a movie star, (ok maybe a teenage one) but I think my style is just fine. Take this for example. Easter is around 43 days away now and nothing says Easter like a fabulous hat! What hats have to do with Easter is really nothing at all, but the last few years its been tradition to wear a hat at Easter service and brunch. Kudos to ModCloth I found one fabulous hat. Dubbed the Kentucky Dainty Hair Clip, I thought it the perfect detail to base my holiday garb on. Dainty indeed.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My Magnum Opus

Our guest room is looking absolutely fabulous! Nothing short of fantastic! While it's not the exact image I had in my head, I cannot complain. I've been blessed with the opportunity to design this room and blessed to have received so many free pieces! All the furniture, save for the platform bed and headboard, were given to me; two pieces of art were given to me; I was able to use a hand painted canvas like picture we'd bought as the first decorative piece before moving into the house; and the rest was purchased from various retailers. I cannot contain myself much longer I'm so excited! I am so looking forward to posting all the pictures and going through piece by piece where everything came from! I don't plan on listing prices because if I've got the link to the piece, the price will be apparent. This room means so much to me. I think the fact that it has a purpose and will be usable again reduces if not eliminates the utter disappointment I felt after its original purpose was no longer needed. Our last sermon at church was about getting outside our bubble and how one way we can do that is to share our resources. The twins gave us tax deductions and without their lives and deaths, this room in this purpose would not be possible. To my boys. This room's for you.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

God Bless FedEx

It's been raining all afternoon and my sweet, sweet Fedex driver hauled a very awkward box to my front door. The Headboard is here! Per my rules posted on Facebook, no pictures will be released until all is complete. Thanks to my MIL for providing two pieces of framed art, I only have two pillows and one birdhouse to go! BBB is my best best best friend!

New blog!

I am so excited to have this blog! I had one ages ago and cannot for the life of me figure out why I deleted it?! Decorating is what I consider a passion and I'm not about to let that go away! I'm in the final stages of our guest room (which has already had a guest!) and after that I've really got to figure something out for our stairs. Those walls look so blank. Some sconces downstairs and some quite heavy collage frames and I'm calling it. I'd love to paint downstairs but I'm at a loss on what to do. Anyways, thanks for visiting and look here for the latest on what I've got going on!
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